Trains between Chomutov and Kadaň will speed up, they will stop closer to municipality in Málkov

Already in the middle of this year Správa železnic will start the reconstruction of the line section between Chomutov and Kadaň. It is now looking for a contractor. The construction will bring an increase in line speed up to 160 km/h, passengers at the stations will gain comfortable access to the platforms and boarding on the trains. It will be finished at the end of next year.

More than 12 km of the line section will be reconstructed, including a branch line that allows direct travel between Kadaň and Žatec. The Málkov stop will be moved closer to the municipality and will gain a modern appearance. At the Kadaň-Prunéřov station, the builders will renovate both existing platforms and build a new one. All of them will enable comfortable boarding on train sets, barrier-free access will be ensured by lifts. A clear information and orientation system for passengers and new furnishing will be available at both stations.

There will be 4 bridges and 19 culverts undergoing reconstruction. The level crossing at the current stop in Málkov will be eliminated and the relocated platforms will be accessed via a reconstructed footbridge. Instead of another level crossing, a road overpass will be built.

Trains will be supervised by new signalling system and the line speed will increase from
100 to 160 km/h. The transition to alternating electrical voltage will result in lower operating and maintenance costs.

Work is scheduled to start this June and be completed by the end of next year. The estimated total costs of the construction are CZK 3,748,423,315. Its financing will be provided by Státní fond dopravní infrastruktury (State Fund for Transport Infrastructure).

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