Successful purchase of electricity will save Správa železnic three quarters of billion for carriers. Significantly cheaper electricity and gas for organisations in transport sector
Správa železnic will draw 1,219,857 MWh of traction power electricity for carriers next year. Eighty percent of this amount has already been purchased on the power stock exchange. The remaining twenty percent will be secured on the daily electricity market (the so-called SPOT). The price of traction electricity purchased on the power exchange for 2025 is CZK 2,431 per MWh, while this year the average price including SPOT is CZK 3,063 per MWh. The annual savings of Správa železnic and carriers should thus exceed CZK 750 million.
The distribution component of the traction electricity price is CZK 724 per MWh this year. Its amount for next year will be set in the first half of December after the Energy Regulatory Office announces its price decision.
Správa železnic will also draw 180 GWh of electricity and 135 GWh of gas for its own use and for other customers. The price has been significantly reduced compared to the previous period for both commodities. In the case of electricity, the year-on-year saving is 30 per cent, while for gas it is 25 per cent. All customers will thus save CZK 230 million in total.
Within the framework of the central purchase, Správa železnic purchases electricity and gas for more than 9,000 customers, including 13 entities from the sector of the Ministry of Transport. In addition to the Ministry of Transport itself, these include České dráhy (Czech Railways), Státní fond dopravní infrastruktury (State Fund for Transport Infrastructure), Road and Motorway Directorate, and Řízení letového provozu (Air Navigation Services).Soubory ke stažení
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