New control centre for HSL traffic management to be built in Prague
The traffic control centre (TCC) building, designated as ‘CDP VRT Praha’ (TCC HSL Prague), will complement the existing Traffic Control Centre (‘CDP’ in Czech) in Prague's Balabenka. The company SAGASTA succeeded in the procurement procedure with the offer of CZK 38.4 million excluding VAT, which is almost CZK 1.5 million less than the estimated price.
“Within three years, we will begin construction of a new traffic control centre for the traffic management on high-speed lines. In addition, we will be ready to control traffic on the existing lines in the Prague railway junction from here,” says Jiří Svoboda, Director General of Správa železnic.
“The contract includes the project development and author's supervision during the implementation of the new CDP building, including adjacent buildings, a larger number of parking spaces with chargers for electric vehicles, and a new energy centre providing electricity for the entire facility,” calculates the project's chief engineer Emil Špaček from the company SAGASTA.
The traffic on high-speed lines in the Czech Republic will be controlled from two locations. The first central workplace is being prepared in Přerov, the second will expand the existing CDP site near the Libeň railway station in Prague. In regular operation, both workplaces will back each other up; in the event of a failure of one, the other will provide remote control over the entire HSL network.Soubory ke stažení
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