Modernisation of line to Solnice begins, electric trains will reach automotive plant

The network of Správa železnic will be extended by another electrified line. The overhead contact line will gain a 20-kilometre section from Týniště nad Orlicí through Častolovice to Solnice. The companies Eurovia CZ, Chládek a Tintěra, Pardubice and GJW Praha became the winners of the tenders for the contractor of the first two stages of the construction. The line, which plays an important role in freight transport, will undergo a complete modernisation. It will be increased not only its capacity but also the speed of trains. Construction work will begin in January, completion of all phases, including electrification, is expected in 2027.

The aim of the project, which is divided into three stages, is not only to make passenger transport more attractive, but also to increase the share of railway in the supply of production plants in the Solnice/Kvasiny industrial zone. The capacity of the line will be increased thanks to the new overtaking stations Rašovice and Tutleky. Straightening some of the curves will allow speeds of up to 120 km/h.

The builders will reconstruct the platforms at the Lípa nad Orlicí and Čestice stops, passengers will appreciate barrier-free access and new information boards with train departures. The bridge over the Bělá River in Častolovice will undergo a complete reconstruction.

A big change is also awaiting the subsequent section from Rychnov nad Kněžnou to Solnice, where the Lipovka stop will be added. Solnice station will then be extended by a freight station, which will consist of ten tracks in total.

During the individual construction stages, the foundations of the masts will be constructed, and then the overhead contact line will be stretched along the entire section from Týniště nad Orlicí to Solnice in 2026. The trains will use an AC power system.

The first two stages of the modernisation and electrification of the line Týniště nad Orlicí – Častolovice – Solnice will be carried out by the companies Eurovia CZ, Chládek a Tintěra, Pardubice, and GJW Praha, which submitted the most favourable price offers. Their total amount is CZK 2,765,771,680.

The implementation of all constructions is proposed to be co-financed by the European Union from the Cohesion Fund within the Programme Transport 2021–2027.

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