320 km/h also round Přerov – new section of high-speed line will help Olomouc
Same as the already designed VRT Moravská brána I between Prosenice and Hranice in the Přerov region, the connecting section to Brodek u Přerova will serve exclusively passenger trains with a speed of up to 320 km/h. The designers will propose the location and technical solution of the 12-kilometre-long line, its connection to the existing corridor Praha – Ostrava and the accompanying infrastructure. The contract also includes a geographic information system (GIS) for the public, an engineering-geological survey, or the preparation of documentation for environmental impact assessment (EIA).
The extension from Prosenice to Brodek u Přerova is based on the approved feasibility study (Brno –) Přerov – Ostrava from 2021. The construction of this connection with the planned route of the high-speed line will bring several benefits to the Haná metropolis in the form of shorter journey times between individual towns or a positive impulse for housing development.
The VRT Moravská brána I between Prosenice and Hranice, which shall be followed up by the extension of the HSL to Brodek u Přerova, is part of the new railway connection between Brno and Ostrava. The latest design of the high-speed line can be viewed by the public on the already launched GIS portal: https://geoportal.ekolagroup.cz/vrtmoravskabrana1/. The technical design of the line extension from Prosenice to Brodek u Přerova will also be published online after completion.Soubory ke stažení
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